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The Consumer Affairs Authority Act No 09 of 2003

The Consumer Affairs Authority Act was passed in the Parliament on 9th January 2003. It came into force with the establishment of the Consumer Affairs Authority. The Consumer Affairs Authority comes under the purview of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Internal Trade. The new act repealed the following acts.

  • Consumer Protection Act No.01 of 1979
  • Fair Trading Commission Act No.01 of 1987
  • Control of Prices Act (Cap 173)

The CAA Act consists with following parts:

  • Part I – Establishment of the Consumer Affairs Authority
  • Part II – Regulation of Trade
  • Part III – Promotion of Competition and Consumer Interest
  • Part IV – Consumer Affairs Council
  • Part V – Fund of the Authority
  • Part VI – Staff of the Authority
  • Part VII – General

Most of the provisions of the repealed acts, with some innovations, have been incorporated in to the Consumer Affairs Authority Act. It has been designed to protect the interest of the consumers. The Consumer Affairs Authority was established with focusing attention on the consumers in the present day context of the new economic order and trade procedures. It safeguards the rights of not only the consumers but also the traders who are subjected to injustice. Both the goods and services are covered within the ambit of the Act.

Last Update: 28-06-2024
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