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Consumer Affairs Council

One of the important mechanisms established by the Consumer Affairs Authority Act No.09 of 2003 is the Consumer Affairs Council (CAC).

As per Section 39, of the CAA Act is consists of three members, representing the fields of commercial law, management of business enterprises, trade practices & consumer affairs appointed by the Minister. (section 39(2))

  • They shall hold office for a period of three years – section 39(3)
  • One member shall be nominated to be its chairman – section 39(4)
  • There is a secretary appointed for the maintenance of records and all proceedings of council – section 39(5).

The council shall hear and determined all applications and references made to it by the Authority.

The jurisdiction of the council is mainly:

  • Where it appears that any goods are begin sold or any services are begin provided by a manufacture or trader at an excessive price or any market manipulation or imperfection exists in respects of such goods or services provided by such manufacture or trader;
    • The sale of such goods or the provisions of such services is of general economic importance or
    • Any categories of consumers are significantly affected by such excessive price.

The director general may with consultation with the Authority refer such matter to the council for investigate and report.

  • If any member/ Organization of the public thinks where goods are being sold or services are being sold or services are being provided at an excessive price who wishes the council to investigate into such matter, may request the Director General of the Authority to refer the matter to the council for investigation. (Section 22).
  • Investigate and determined on existence of anti-competitive practices under the provisions of the section 37 of CAA Act.
  • At the conclusion of the investigation on compliant of anti-competitive practice the Authority decides not to submit to the council for determination, the party who made such application may submit the written request to the council to hear and determine such application.
Last Update: 28-06-2024
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